Tuesday, November 29, 2022



Be vigilant! Be at alert! Be watchful! Be on your guard! All these phrases denote get ready, for the extreme danger is about to happen.


As we begin the preparation for the coming of Christ,  how ready are we to welcome Jesus if he arrives at this very moment?


In the days of old, many prophets foretold his coming and warmed the people to be ready, to be on their guard... When Christ eventually came, they were unaware because they were not vigilant.

It is very easy for our generation to blame the people of that time for not being at alert to welcome Jesus. If you were alive then, would you have expected Jesus to be born to a poor family like Mary and Joseph? Would you have look for the messiah in a manger, smelling like goat and sheep? Would you have rather looked for him on the cross? Would you have expected Jesus to look and taste like bread? Remember, he told us he was the bread of life. Would you have believed that the Christ would keep friends like Zacchaeus and Matthew? It was said that they were public sinners.

As it is God comes to us in an unexpected ways, where we never ever thought of, yet he is present.  The truth is that, not all of us will experience his coming at the end of the ages. However,  once one's end comes, Christ has come for that person. It is easy to deceive ourselves that we will repent of our evil ways once our end is near. It is not everyone that is given that opportunity. Some people have the privilege to know when God will call them home like Elijah. Others were called suddenly and no excuse not to answer the call.

The point here is be at alert, be on your guard,  be vigilant for Christ is coming at an hour you do not expect. Are you ready for him?


Sr. Veronica Fatoyinbo, SNDdeN

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