Tuesday, March 19, 2024

In Honor of St. Joseph



In humble abode, with love profound,

St. Joseph's grace in silence found.

Guardian of Mary, chosen spouse,

In him, God's plan did gently douse.


A carpenter by trade, yet more,

His heart, a sanctuary's core.

With tender care, he watched above,

Guiding Jesus with steadfast love.


In shadows cast, his virtue gleams,

A pillar strong in holy dreams.

Protector of the Holy One,

Through trials faced, his faith still spun.


O Joseph, in your quiet might,

Illuminate our darkest night.

Teach us to serve with hearts aglow,

In faith and love, may we e'er grow.


On this feast day, we honor thee,

St. Joseph, model of purity.

Intercede for us, by grace divine,

That with you, in Heaven, we may shine.

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