In the gentle whispers of time's tender grasp,
One month in mind, our sorrows clasped.
For Sr. Maureen Okeke, a soul profound,
In grace's embrace, forever crowned.
With footsteps soft, she graced this earth,
A beacon of light, a spirit of worth.
In the tapestry of lives, she wove her part,
Touching souls with her compassionate heart.
Oh, how the heavens weep with stars aglow,
As earth bids farewell to one we've come to know.
Yet in the depths of loss, a solace found,
In memories cherished, in love unbound.
Her presence lingers in the rustle of leaves,
In the hymns of birds and the gentle breeze.
For though she's passed beyond our sight,
Her essence dances in the realm of light.
One month in mind, we hold her dear,
Her legacy of love ever near.
In the echoes of laughter and silent prayer,
Her spirit dwells, beyond compare.
So let us weave her memory in verse,
In every moment, her grace immerse.
For Sr. Maureen Okeke, SNDdeN,
In our hearts, you shall forever ascend.